Sunday, April 30, 2017

Roubaix , Fr, La Condition Publique, Street Generation.

Street Generation is a new exhibition in Roubaix, northern France. 
Roubaix could be a ghost city, after years of prosperity with textile industry, Roubaix became the poorest city of France, but with so many old industrial buildings Roubaix has the potential to become  a new Bushwick. 

La Condition Publique has been an old place of storage for textile materials during 70 years and after being closed in 1972 became an abandoned building in the poorest neighborhood of Roubaix, the PILE. In 2003 a big project converted the historic building in a new cultural center.

Until June 18th,  the retrospective exhibition dedicated to 40 years of street art will be present with the participation of 50 famous artists in and outside the walls of La Condition Publique.

From the rooftop the first look to the inside exhibit but the best is to begin with a walk in the streets of the Pile, this neighborhood where most of houses are walled.

A gigantic collage from LUDO

Not sure this is part of the event....


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