Saturday, December 19, 2015

Jersey City, NJ

Minutes from downtown Manhattan, on the other side of the Hudson river,
where you never go.

Jersey City, NJ

There is a lot to see in the streets just walking out of Grove street path station.

Jersey City, NJ
Christopher Columbus Drive

Jersey City, NJ
Main Bvd
Jersey City, NJ

Bay street
Jersey City, NJ

Jersey city is one of the most culturally diverse city in US and street art reflect 
past and today's life of all communities.

Jersey City, NJ

Christopher Columbus Drive

Coles street, music is in the street but in this social club of Puerto Rico,
access is for members only.

58th Coles street

 58th Coles street side path 

Walking back on Coles street to Columbus Drive, crossing First Street and Newark ave.

 Dixon Company was, in 1869, the biggest manufacturer of graphite products in the world.

Newark ave 
colorful house and Art Deco building

 Pedestrian part of Newark Ave, historic downtown
 Back to the fifties

 but before leaving, visit the parking lot on 
Christopher Columbus Drive and Barrow street

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