Sunday, October 04, 2015

Updates and new discoveries

Streets are changing all the time, sometimes we are really disappointed to don't find anymore what we loved before, but it is so great to discover the new ones...

Ny street art bushwick  Bushwick
Ny street art bushwick

Ny street art bushwick
Basquiat is back, thank you Owen Dippie for this Radiant Madonna with Bushwick Collective

Ny street art nolita
Ny street art nolita
 A new Grampa in Elizabeth street

Ny street art nolita os gemeos
Os Gemeos in Houston  Street, I found it last week 
but I probably missed it last August... 

 At L'ASSO the mural changes each month
Ny street art nolita
before /after
Ny street art nolita

Ny street art nolita

to discover more, take a small path to a community garden in East Village
Ny street art east village

Ny street art east village
Ave C and 9th street
 be curious, have a look inside
 so great idea!
Ny east village
Another great idea , after the walk, is Esperanto just facing the garden.

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