Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jean Paul Sartre in Reykjavik, Iceland, with Guido Van Helten

A few steps from Old Harbor in Reykjavik, you can see a big street art project at Seljavegur, painted on three walls of Loftkastalinn building. Guido Van Helten, the artist, worked with old photographies taken from the Jean Paul Sartre play "No Exit", "Huis Clos" in french, performed in Reykjavik in 1961. He found these pictures in Reykjavik Museum of Photography. Painted portraits are the characters, Ines, Estelle and Garcin by Elga Lowell, Erling Gislason and Kristbjörg Kjeld. 
On this video Guido Van Helten explains his project which was not only his own but a share project with the owner of the building after this one saw the grand father's portrait, on a corner house on Vesturgata, painted by Guido.

Photographs by Andrés Kolbeinsson

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