Tuesday, April 03, 2018

" Windows That Talk " - Lille - France

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -

This first sunny spring day finally pushed me outside ...
Back to the streets , back to the blog!

This week the event les fenêtres qui parlent took place in Lille Fives, 
in a small block of 3 streets.  

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -

In the North using one's window 
to show, to share, to let know, is a cultural practice.
The window is the border between the public and the private,
 it is the space of dialogue between the inside and the outside.

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -

The window itself already talked to me...

street art -  festival les fenêtres qui parlent - lille - france -
This one wasn't set for the festival but it took beautifully part of it