Tuesday, February 24, 2015

El Barrio, NY

A quick tour around 103rd street station line 6 

103rd street and 3rd ave
105th street between 3rd ave and Lexington ave

On Lexington avenue

104th street and Lexington ave
Just at the corner of the best place to stop 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Last sunday, back in Tucson AZ

This mural was just at the corner of my street last week and I missed it ...
I love these old sweet colors .

I went back to my favorite vintage store in N4th ave but it was closed...

 Fortunately because I would have missed its nice metal shutter !

Friday, February 13, 2015


Impossible to choose today... so many colors, so much art in the street here,
this first photography seems to be the best summary.

Lumiere Editions

Lumière means light in french

N Bullard Street

A special page for the murals very soon, 
and the coffee house of the day is 
The Yankee Creek

Monday, February 09, 2015

Saturday, February 07, 2015

New opening restaurant on 81st street and 3rd ave NY

Painted at night, by a freeze weather, two weeks ago, 
the restaurant will open soon but the mural already illuminate the 81st street. 

Friday, February 06, 2015

NY's ART in snowy Central Park

During winter in NY, colors flash even from trash and recycling bins 
covered with unusual perfect white hats.